Should You Take Whey Protein With Creatine?
Today, everything around us serves a specific purpose. That is quite the case in the world of sports nutrition. Creatine and whey protein have a unique purpose, hence if we set out to compare them it would be akin to bananas and mangoes. They are eaten under specific circumstances in which they are beneficial. Creatine promotes energy production and leads to muscles growth by absorbing water. While whey protein reduces the time it takes for your muscles to recover from damage.
The answer is not a definitive one. The consumption of Whey Protein or Creatine serves different purposes for the body and hence, the individual’s needs. So, let us begin to answer the question in its entirety by starting with what is Whey Protein and Creatine.
Whey tops the list in terms of protein quality and is the prime reason for its popularity amongst bodybuilders and athletes. So, what is Whey? The coagulated liquid remainder of milk once it has been curdled and strained. The by-products are filtered and treated to remove the preset fat, lactose from the milk until only the protein remains.
Whey is a primary protein found in dairy products. Being a by-product of cheese production it is isolated to form a powder for easy consumption.
20 to 25 grams is a satisfactory amount needed to ensure the best out of your muscle-building routines. Whey Protein provides around 20 grams of protein, providing one with a very efficient way to achieve their protein targets. One has to remember that whey protein will not boost one’s workout if consumed before it. Whey protein will greatly ensure the recovery of your muscles after your workout. Whey provides essential amino acids which help the muscles to restart their protein supply.
All in all, whey protein ensures enhanced muscles recovery, increased muscle mass.
Creatine as a supplement is chemically produced in laboratories and is usually found as — a creatine monohydrate. Organically, creatine is produced naturally by muscle cells to aid energy production. As a supplement, creatine helps in boosting muscles mass, strength, and one’s exercise performance.
Though, you can find creatine in meat products the amount is rather small which prompts the intake of supplements. Creatine chemically bonds with phosphorus and oxygen which allows it to regenerate adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the energy source of the cell and hence creatine is vital for its functions. This ability is the reason behind the large intake of creatine before a workout as it provides the much-needed energy for your muscles to perform well throughout the session.
As of today, studies have shown that taking whey protein and creatine together does not lead to any added benefits. A study conducted using a sample group of 42 middle-aged and older men found that participants did not experience any additional benefits while taking creatine and whey together, rather than taking them separately. Similarly, a study in 18 women found no deducible benefits from consuming creatine and whey together.
On the flip side, no evidence suggests that taking creatine and whey protein at the same time causes any negative effects. While some people do experience discomfort, most likely due to the increased workload of the liver and kidneys due to the large intake of protein.
Unfortunately, at the moment data is not available on the effects of creatine when it’s consumed over long periods. Its use or suddenly stopping creatine supplementation might cause negative side effects.
Yes, creatine and whey protein can be taken at the same time it does not make sense to mix them in the same protein shake. As a thumb rule, creatine supplementation should be taken about one-hour pre-workout and creatine should be consumed either during or immediately after you finish exercising.
Going back to choosing whether to take whey protein, creatine, or both comes down to your individual goals. If you are a recreational gym-goer (like myself) and are just looking to stay in shape, whey protein may be a good option to aid muscle building and recovery. On the other hand, if you are looking to maximize muscle mass and strength, it may be beneficial to take both whey protein and creatine.
It is beneficial, due to the additional energy from the ATP generated by creatine added on to the amino acids from whey protein would logically combine their effects for massive muscle gains — but science is still yet to verify it.
Creatine increases one’s muscle mass while whey protein allows for muscle gain over time. For the best muscle gains, consume creatine before you hit the gym and whey protein during or after your workout. So, finally, it all comes down to your personal needs.
Regardless, of what you choose to do with this article knowing how creatine and whey protein operate can help you plan your protein intake better and get fit like we all have planned to do for our new year’s resolution. (I know we will)